Akshay Mundra
Kartik Teotia
CG1 Rendering Competition WS 2020/2021
Saarland Univerity, Germany
While brainstorming for the scene, it was decided that we want to keep the scene elements simple and want to focus on details to showcase the features of our ray tracer, and generate an image which looks realistic. Going through rendering competitions of some institutes, the Utah teapot - the quintessential graphics object - really resonated with us. Wanting to incorporate that, we designed our scene around it. The result is our rendition (and rendering) of what a weekend morning looks like.
To avoid the hassle of arranging the objects blindly in the ray tracer, we use Blender to compose the scene. Upon facing issues with getting the correct camera coordinates in Blender, we loaded the object meshes in ParaView and read the camera coordinates. The scene definition can be found in a_scene.cpp. Only the features implemented during the course were used, and no new implementaions were done.
An area light is used to create an effect of a window in the room, and a slightly warm colour was chosen to resemble morning sunlight.
A Depth of Field camera is placed close to the table, which focusses on the table objects and blurs the walls.
We implement multithreading using the OpenMP library to achieve a faster rendering. The middle-split BVH implementation also gives a significant speed boost.
We use smooth triangles to correct for the tessellation which result due to normal triangle mapping.
We use gamma correction to improve the perceptive brightness.
We use a combination of materials: Cook Torrance, Phong, Glass, and Lambertian to get a realistic rendering.